Sales Manager and Marketing Assistant
Shumaila Kunwal
Phone: 510 298 1656
At California Building Material Supply Shumaila is responsible for developing marketing content and providing support on live chat. She holds a degree in Computer Science and has worked with many Software houses in order to develop her craft of marketing and and providing support.
Shumaila has returned to college and is working on her Master's in Computer Science
Shumaila is a very enthusiastic young woman. She likes being part of everything that is happening around her. In her free time she volunteers at the animal shelter to fulfill her need for cats. She likes watching Turkish dramas, hanging out with friends and playing outdoor sports. Sorry guys, this hot young and on move executive is "off the market" and is engaged to be married in 2023.
Requests for quotes and bids should be sent to
Also her assistant Saba I